Trust Allah!

When you are in pain and loneliness,
When you feel sadness and sobbing,
When you are abandoned in unconscious,
When you feel your soul imprisoned in  Dunia hardship, 
When you feel forgotten from everyone,
When you have lost your smile and joy,
When a second sounds like a century,
When your tear weighs more than the ocean,
Search deep into yourself for the creator,
Raise your hands toward the sky,
With sincere prayer to the hearts owner,
Mumīt (the life-taker) and muhyī (the life-giver)
Submit yourself completely to the Almighty,

You will see;
The clouds will make space for the sun.
The night will give the queue to the day,
Silence will grip the soul.
You will feel calm and peace.
You will realize the greatness of Allah .


Atehere kur ndjen dhembje e vetmi,
 Atehere kur ndjen trishtim e ngasherim,
 Ateher kur braktisesh neper nenvetedije,
Atehere kur ndihesh e burgosur shpirterisht,
 Atehere kur loti peshon me shume se oqeani,
Atehere kur ndihesh me vetem se kurre,
Ateher kur sekondi te duket shekull,
Kerko me gjithe qenien Krijuesin,
Mbeshtete veten plotesisht tek I Gjithpushtetshmi,
Griji fytyren dhe duart drejt qiellit!
Me lutje te sinqerta drejt Rotulluesit te zemrave,
Jetedhenesit, Jetemarresit!
Do shohesh se, 
Rete e shpirtit do I bejne hapesire diellit.
Nata do ia lej vendin dites,
Qetesia do kaploje shpirtin .
Do ndjesh qetesine dhe paqen.

Do njohesh madheshtine e Zotit te lartesuar.
