Dedicated to all my beloved inmates Architect!

Based on statistics,(Guinness Book of World Records) people choose architecture as the toughest course. Why? Because It has 64 university exams + 174 assignments + 40+ Major Projects within 5 years (1200 working days ) plus 2 years (1000 working days) work experience. Well, I tell you that's not TRUE. Its not tough because of all assignments, exams,sleepless nights in studio and napping on the chairs, etc. Its because you are mastering all the professions exist in the world! Its because you have to study the whole world history and human culture, how the history evidences were concertized into physical form. You need to have in your fingertips all technical aspects in order not to take people's life, you should memorize law books.You should enter into people's perception and psycho to understand their feelings, their taste(which is so subjective) and fulfill their needs not by nice and warm words, but through a building, well sometimes through words as well because you are an adviser too, remember? In addition you should be a good financier to hold all your brilliant ideas within a small - tiny budget. Moreover you need to make sure that your client will earn millions with your work. On the other hand, you are fighting so hard inside you to remember the architect code of ethics,(as well as Islamic teachings) in keeping the spiritual benefits of the design above materialism. And right now I am squeezing all my thoughts to design an iconic classical-colonial office building in the middle of Modern/contemporary Era. Well, sometimes you need to forget about your favorite style/taste/ideologies and use all your creativity to make people(client) happy.And not to forget, you should be a master in human relationship and public speaking, because you are gonna make sure your work will be applauded. Lastly, the most destructing part is when people think about our profession as easy as drawing a flower on a white paper. Now I regret the answer I gave to my mom 10 years ago when she asked me: What do you want to be in the future? I said: I am not sure mom, because I like everything!
p.s. Don't panic and don't take it too seriously. It just a 5 minutes revolt, as usual. After I am done with this project(insyalah Successfully) I will be again : I am so happy, I have the best work ever and I LOVE WHAT I DO!
